"Little toreadors playing bull in Montserrat, Summer 2023"
80 cm by 80 cm, acrylics on linen on alu-frame



Sunday, August 20, 2023

In the late morning, we drove to the center of Montserrat, the town where we are staying. This weekend, there are festivities, a very Spanish tradition that yearly returns and hops from town to town.

We saw little matadors playing bull. We also visited the small white church of Montserrat, a sober interior with a checkerboard floor.



"The white church of Montserrat, Summer 2023"
29 cm by 21 cm, acrylics on paper

"Inside the church of Montserrat, Summer 2023"
42 cm by 29 cm, acrylics on paper



villa global - group exhibition
pastoor de clerckstraat 2, 3020 veltem
may 11+12 and 18+19+20, 2024: 14-19h



group exhibition - contemporary art space, zottegem - november 2024
open studio days - may 17+18, 2025
vacation memories - solo exhibition - groenhove, torhout - september 2025