"The port of Valencia, Summer 2023"
29 cm by 42 cm, acrylics on paper


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Five years ago, we also came to this Turia river bed and cycled here, but we never made it to the end of the track: the sea. 

Today, we cycled towards the sea and the beaches: an immense open space.. It was extremely hot there. After a fresh drink on a terrace, we turned back to find the other end of this dry river bed.





villa global - group exhibition
pastoor de clerckstraat 2, 3020 veltem
may 11+12 and 18+19+20, 2024: 14-19h



group exhibition - contemporary art space, zottegem - november 2024
open studio days - may 17+18, 2025
vacation memories - solo exhibition - groenhove, torhout - september 2025