"Reflected clouds, Zottegem, spring 2024"
Acrylics on paper, 42 x 29 cm


Monday, May 13, 2024

Amélie’s operation was scheduled for around 3 pm, and by 5 pm, I couldn't wait any longer. I headed to the hospital to be nearby in case I got "the call". While waiting in the lobby of the day hospital, I finished a book as I awaited news.

When Amélie was finally out of surgery, we had a nice chat in her room, relieved and happy to be rid of the wisdom teeth that had caused her so much discomfort. It felt like a metaphor for shedding what is unnecessary in life. Once she was ready to leave, I fetched the car, and we made a quick stop for blueberries. 


"Extraction of the wisdom teeth"
Acrylics on paper, 42 x 29 cm